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Nastasha – Sassy Ostrich

BY t

Nastasha is lifestyle blogger and influencer. She is founder of SassyOstrich. Sassy Ostrich is a blog about travel tips, personal styling and more experiences from around the world.

Singita Boulder’s Lodge Photo:

“I can’t stress the importance of being true to yourself.

How did you come up with your website’s name? Did you consider any other options?

The name sort of just came to me one day after months of contemplating options. I was between a few names like “Lace & Luggage” and “Travelina” and “The Fashion Stash” but for some reason I just couldn’t visualise them across the top of my website. And then one day I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and a commercial came on TV with ostriches and it was like a lightbulb turned on in my head and I thought to myself, I’m a fun loving person- I hate taking things too seriously- why not name my blog something to do with an ostrich, you know, like something just completely random? And then my boyfriend started hyping me up about it and he’s like ‘you can be the sassy ostrich!!!’ and then we did a little dance around the sofa and then that was that. I didn’t think twice about it, I was now the Sassy Ostrich. My friends actually always told me I looked like an ostrich and it was always sort of a joke, I was always getting tagged in memes about ostriches being funny and stuff, so now I’m just going to own it. I think there’s just so many bloggers out there that it’s important to be a bit different but also to be completely true to yourself. Some people might think the name is a little odd but that’s okay. I believe in it, it’s memorable and I love the logo and it’s something that’s hopefully going to get me to stand out.

What inspired you to become a blogger?

I think my inspiration for choosing this career was just seeing all of the other bloggers and influencers out there following their dreams and doing all these amazing things. I grew up sort of thinking that the only way of life was to go to college and get a job and then settle down. I think the blogging world has opened so many new doors and the opportunities are virtually endless. It’s a lot of hard work because the internet never sleeps but it’s something that I absolutely love. I’ve always loved photography but travel has been my ultimate passion. I wanted to build my confidence not only in taking photos and in writing but also in my everyday life. Meeting new people, putting myself out there, it’s all part of the job. Travelling and blogging has given me a different perspective on life and I think that’s what keeps me going.


“It’s true what they say- blogging is definitely addicting!

Looking back, what do you wish someone had told you before you’d started blogging?

I wish I knew more about SEO and focus keywords. There’s so much more to building a website than just making it look pretty! I also wish I knew more about marketing and driving traffic to the website. All this comes with time though and the more I learn, the more it pushes me to be the best I can be. It’s true what they say- blogging is definitely addicting!

What is your best advice to young bloggers just starting out?

I can’t stress the importance of being true to yourself. Even if you’re not the best writer, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Readers want to get to know the real you! Be unique and the writing skills or photography skills or any other concerns with grow with time and eventually, you will find your perfect tone of voice. Another piece of advice, don’t be afraid to collaborate with other bloggers. Collaborations are an amazing way to organically boost your exposure to potential followers. Lastly, be active on social media. You can’t just post pictures and expect people to react if you do nothing but wait. You need to join the community of your niche- follow other blogs that relate to yours and comment/like all the time to get your name out there.

Name another blogger who is killing it?

There’s sooooo many bloggers killing it at the moment. Right now, I’m loving Nicole Isaacs. I’ve been following her since the beginning of her career and the way she’s grown is really inspiring. There’s also Danielle Bernstein of We Wore What. She used her fashion blog as a platform to create two clothing companies that have both been extremely successful. I really respect her work ethic.

How do you deal with negative comments on social media?

Negativity sucks. I think the best thing to do is set boundaries and chose your battles. Of course, constructive criticism is always welcomed, but when people take it too far and are just downright mean, they get blocked. I try not to be bothered of what others think of me because at the end of the day, I am who I am and I’m happy in my own shoes. Embodying positivity is the best thing I can do.

How do you manage a work/life balance?

Blogging is life. Ever since becoming a blogger I think about everything differently. When choosing restaurants, I prioritise those that are the most “instagrammable.” Same thing goes for when I travel, shop, or basically do anything- I’m always thinking about the aesthetics. Blogging is a full-time job, it never ever ever stops.


Who is the biggest influence in your life?

The biggest influence in my life is probably my mom. I always aspire to make her happy and proud.

Who should everyone be following?

Everyone should be following @Doina for fashion inspiration. @OliviaCulpo is another one of my favourite blogger/models at the moment. Some just for fun instagram accounts that I love are @michel_e_b and @sukiicat.

What are you listening to right now?

BY t